Sunday, July 25, 2010

Art Nouveau

Ok finally, here is a new piece I'm working on
I wanted to retry the art Nouveau thing, since last time i did it did not work out to well.
But that was 2 years ago so I finally have gotten over my fear for the style.
Maybe this time it'll not look so terrible.
So far, this is the sketch.
Not sure if I should make the composition itself longer or not.
Sooo yeahh, someone buy me some tracing paper!
I needs it.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So here is what I have been up to this summer.
Just been drawing some naked ladies and selling them on ebay! :]
Its been making me some nice pocket change.

The pictures are kind of crappy,
but oh well, Its not that terrible. :]

Saturday, April 24, 2010

More stuff!

Oh and I'm trying to sell this one on ebay.
I'm trying this new thing where I'd like to maybe make some money
off my art. Well, I might have tried it before but it didn't really work out last time,
hopefully it will now!

Once again, I apologize for the blurriness,
I think my next birthday present should be a non shitty camera.


Here she is,
Vanessa Ferlito as Butterfly :]
Once again, the picture could be better,
but it's not. One day I'll find a way to photograph my work better,
but till then this will just have to do.
I made her hips wider and stuff, because I like 'em like that. :]

ahem*hidden skull*ahem

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Some Random Figure Stuff

I decided to scan these babies in and show them to the world,
no real reason, I just felt like it.
The first two I did in my figure class, and the rest are just some random doodles I did while
we where doing a critique in Illustration class (its the only time I ever draw in my sketchbook)
I know, it's pretty bad. I'm just not the sketchbook kind of person, I'd rather paint.

The awesomest figure model ever! No kidding.

This one was a 10 min study,...i think.

... and random doodles of people whilst being unbelievingly bored!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

More Stuff!

Here's some more stuff,
one more illustration piece (or the beginnings of one)
this would be my ilustration at the stage that i still like it,
it will probably somehow get screwed up at a later stage.
I'm to lazy to post what its about right now, i'll just
do it later.

It's butterfly from Death Proof. :D

I'll probably make her hips bigger because right now it's to realistic and I guess it needs to be characterized some more.

And here's the other stuff I would like to share, it's a label for CMYK vodka for my intro to GIC class. I still need to do the back label and box that it'll go into. Oh, and It'll be printed on see through labeling, if I can ever locate the stuff.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Graphic Design Posters

Two posters I had to do for Intro To Graphic Design.
One is a Swiss design poster and the other
a band concert poster
I chose midnight juggernauts

Hands number deuce.

And here it is! Its the second from my 12 panel series of hands! That is due in 27 days
I figured if I can get myself to do 3 a week i'll be fine. So it's really not to bad.
And this one only took me about 1.5 hours. So I think I'll survive. :D

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Master Copy"

it says in the about me section that I like to paint naked ladies.
Which probably makes you wonder, "If this girl likes painting female nudes then why don't I see any??"
hold your horses. Because here is the first one I'm showing you.
Its a "Master Copy" I had to do in Illustration Class,
but not just your ordinary master copy, nope.
We had to change some things.
Have fun spotting the differences.

The original, Venus of Urbino by Titian.

And mine! (Her face doesn't look this retarded in real life by the way. Its not really a high quality image.)
Did this in oils.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

12, 12x12 paintings.

So, for my painting class with the wonderful Cheryl Cooper I,and the rest of the students that have her get to do twelve 12x12 paintings. Of course we need to have a concept, so I decided to do the most difficult subject in existence ( well maybe not that difficult), personality through hands. I'm enjoying it now but i know I'm going to hate myself for it later, and wish I chose something like all the different shapes of rectangles.
Here's one picture i took with my mac (so it's super high quality),
my first one of the series and not even finished yet.
Its looking alright so far.

Random Paintings I did.

So I finally decided to post something
I have a problem with never really knowing what to write, and correct spelling.
But anyway, here's some stuff I did for myself over the summer.
I don't have any pictures of my illustration stuff yet due to lack of camera,
I think I'll be stealing my roommate's pretty soon :]

Did this last summer took me about a month.
Just felt like painting a chick with flowy hair. Its a pretty big piece no sure how big
but I think its about 36x40 or something like that.

I wanted to get this one into Illest, so I finished it in two weeks.
It never got in though. Ill try next year :]